Welcome to Nasik Surveyors Welfare Fund
Visits: 58180
Seed of NSWF was sowed by surveyors of Nashik around 25 – 30 years ago for wel being of surveyor fraternity. It was properly nurtured by each member of NSWF & now NSWF has emerged & turned into a giant tree. NSWF is step by step marching towards the peak & has been appreciated all the times across the nation for its unity , unique activities , for inculcating social values , for adherence to social as well as moral responsibilities. NSWF is working hard to uplift the surveyor’s profession , to update & upgrade the profession by organizing unique & innovative activities ,
As we all know that every human being living in the society , owes something to the society. We insurance surveyor fraternity also strongly believe in the same.
It’s a society who enriches us in all ways & means , it’s a society who grooms every human being & makes him stand on his own feet , it’s a society who makes us socially responsible & teaches us social & moral values. We therefore all are obliged by the society.
It’s a time to express our gratitude towards the society & to fulfill our social responsibility & to adhere to social & moral values & pay respect towards the society.
Keeping in mind the same motive , let us spread the knowledge among the common people. Knowledge is the only thing which gets enhanced always by sharing it. Let us educate the common man , let us update his knowledge & create public awareness in the General Insurance Business.
It’s a common man who is a backbone of our insurance industry therefore it is our social & moral responsibility to protect his rights & educate him & make him self sufficient.
Being a common man & or insurance policy holder / insurance consumer , many questions often comes in mind of common man…
Where do I stand in the insurance industry ?
What is my role in the insurance industry ?
What are my rights as a policy holder / insurance consumer ?
Which is my policy ? what are merits of my insurance policy ? what my policy covers ? what is my policy scope ?
Which insurance product should I buy ? Which are different types of policies available in the market ?
Are my rights protected under the policy ? what is role of agent ? who is surveyor ? what is his role in the insurance industry ?
Is my surveyor Competent , Approved & authorized license Holder?
Is my vehicle or any other property insured for correct value ?
In case of loss whom to contact ? in emergency where to contact ?
How to lodge insurance claim ? what is Third Party ?What is legal liability ?
In cases losses arising out of fire , Burglary , Housebreaking , Flood , Engineering Insurance , Marine Insurance what is claim procedure & what are the documents required ? How to lodge claims under Mediclaim Policy , Personal Accident Policy ? What is role of IRDAI , Insurance Companies , Surveyor & Valuer , Investigator , Police , RTO , Consumer forum in insurance industry ? & so many never ending questions……. But all the questions are equally important… so to have complete solutions / answers to the questions of common man / policy holder / insurance consumer…In cases losses arising out of fire , Burglary , Housebreaking , Flood , Engineering Insurance , Marine Insurance what is claim procedure & what are the documents required ?
How to lodge claims under Mediclaim Policy , Personal Accident Policy ?
What is role of IRDAI , Insurance Companies , Surveyor & Valuer , Investigator , Police , RTO , Consumer forum in insurance industry ?
& so many never ending questions…….
But all the questions are equally important… so to have complete solutions / answers to the questions of common man / policy holder / insurance consumer…
‘A HAND BOOK/GUIDE in General Insurance Business‘
(Part of customer awareness program & educating common people)
This Hand Book / Guide will throw light on all matters , laws , case studies , Claim procedures related to general insurance business , Road Safety also will consist of write up from all layers of insurance industry as well as experts from society , authorities of RTO , IRDAI , Insurance Companies , Surveyors , Agents , Doctors , Police Authorities , Consumer Court Authorities , Dealers & Workshop Owners , Advocates & so on…..
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