Glimpses of NSWF
Seed of NSWF was sowed by surveyors of Nashik around 25 – 30 years ago for wel being of surveyor fraternity.
It was properly nurtured by each member of NSWF & now NSWF has emerged & turned into a giant tree.
NSWF is step by step marching towards the peak & has been appreciated all the times across the nation for its unity , unique activities , for inculcating social values , for adherence to social as well as moral responsibilities.
NSWF is working hard to uplift the surveyor’s profession , to update & upgrade the profession by organizing unique & innovative activities ,
- By imparting training to its members as well as to insurance industry
- Organized innovative seminar wherein surveyors , Dealers & Insurers participated & shared their views on common platform.
- Protecting rights of surveyors , by making authorities aware about the law , regulations & its provisions by giving representations.
- Works to protect rights of common man by organizing & initiating public awareness campaign to share knowledge.
- By initiating social drives like ROAD SAFETY , by organizing POSTER MAKING & ESSAY Competition for school children on Road Safety & thereby actively involving future generation of INDIA to express their views on a very sensitive topic of Road Safety.
- By organizing unique meet of agents , broker & surveyors to share knowledge.
- By celebrating birthdays of NSWF members & thereby creating feeling of togetherness & brotherhood among the members.
- To express gratitude towards society & to fulfill social responsibility NSWF has published INNOVATIVE HANDBOOK / GUIDEBOOK ' I For Insurance' under public awareness campaign to spread knowledge among the common people about general insurance business. This unique handbook will be a useful tool for common man & upcoming generations of insurance industry.