Welcome to Nasik Surveyors Welfare Fund

Visits: 58191

President Desk

President Desk

Mission - Creating awareness among youth about the General insurance industry and related employment

In developed countries like US UK, Australia European Countries, the backup infrastructure is present & their corporate surveyors are helpful to them as of minimum population, literacy awareness Above scenario is exactly opposite in India, hence independent surveyors are necessity of our country

If Independent surveyor skilled with Hi-tech Information technology, FAIR & UNBIASED Claim settlement is possible in our country, which is of population of 140 Crores as on today & next 5 years it will reach to 180 crores & for them huge requirement of jobs as need of skilled independent surveyors for fair & unbiased assessment to avoid conflict of interest in insurance claims .

Survey fees should be at par in India, irrespective of insurers & should be in line with the GOI ‘s pay commission, also insurers want to work surveyors on full time basis, due to FAIR & UNBIASED work of surveyors thousands of crores of public money saved, as professional surveyors are depend on received survey fees, surveyors not having any fix & retirement benefits.

Now a days in case of Motor Insurance only 4 Companies namely Maruti, TML, Hyundai , M & M are supplying their spare parts in secondary open market. We expect to aware all other manufacturers should supply the spare parts parallel to above .

Local garages in city & Villages will get Original Spare parts with authorised bills or Invoices which will reduce the claim ratio & Which will helpful to generate more revenue in form of taxes for GoI ,also un employment problem amongst the skilled & unskilled workers will be benefited by considering India’s rising population.

In India, Illiteracy , non awareness among peoples related in General & Life Insurance is high it creates lot of legal complication, frauds of fake policy, cheating, Corruption in industry, to avoid this malfunctioning of system we are providing you our plan to overcome above problems.

NSWF has developed an Innovative Smart Solution for Survey & Loss Assessment work which will benefitted to Surveyors, Insurance Company, Insured/ Consumer, RTO, IIB which will share the real time data among each other for loss minimization ultimately saving of Public money which again further to bring down the insurance premium.